With how rare it's been in recent years for games with lewd content to release on consoles, especially in the west, Stellar Blade feels like a breath of fresh air with they way its biggest appeal is undoubtedly the protagonist's buttocks. Since it's a PS5 exclusive and Sony are known to not be fans of sexual content on their systems, gamers were worried that a lot could've changed between the game's state when it was first revealed versus the final retail version. Or that local censors will get to it and cut out certain content for certain regions.
Developers Shift Up put everyone's minds at ease when they announced on Twitter that "「Stellar Blade」 offers the same uncensored version in all countries, including the Japanese version." This isn't just notable for lewd reasons, though - Japan is pretty strict when it comes to gore and games with dismemberment or decapitation are usually altered for their Japanese release, but now we know Japanese players (including Yoko Taro) will be experiencing the game the same as everyone else. What's even crazier than that is it's been approved for release in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, both countries that don't particularly have a good track record of allowing people or art to be sexually expressive.
On April 26, less than a week from now, Stellar Blade enjoyers the world over will be eating good. Will you be amongst them? Let us know below!