Ecchi E-tailer Getchu Removes Lewd Content for Credit Card Companies
By Yung Namahage • 10 months ago

People were anticipating the controversy surrounding DLsite and their succumbing to the influence of credit companies would spread to other lewd software sites, and they were right. Getchu is a similar Japanese site that offers doujins, eroge and physical goodies that has, unfortunately, also alienated a lot of its userbase with a move linked to its financial backers.

A recent update on Getchu said: 

"Thank you for using mail order.

Currently, due to a request from a credit card company regarding the products available on, we have suspended sales of some products and deleted product information.

We apologize for the inconvenience that you will no longer be able to purchase products due to this issue.

In addition, due to continuous requests from credit card companies, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers due to the delay in information from our store.

While being examined by the credit card company, we are continuing to negotiate and make adjustments for the resumption of sales of suspended products.

We will continue to provide further information as the situation continues to develop.

Thank you for your understanding."

TL;DR - the credit card companies told Getchu to delete products they weren't happy with, and they complied. Getchu are also censoring content the card companies aren't happy with in an attempt to appease them, all while apologizing to users.

It's a shame it's getting increasingly difficult for people to seek out and purchase quality lewd stuff. Do you guys think other sites will also follow in obeying credit card companies' requests for censorship? Let us know below!