The Story of 15 Beautiful Girls Adrift - 01
Ep. 1 - 11 years ago
  •  1491094%
Episode 1 - 11 years ago
Description: Nothing beats being stranded on a tropical island when you've got 15 beautiful girls to share it with! The fun starts for Kazuma when Kotoko agrees to a playful photo shoot, and Saori s...(Show description)Nothing beats being stranded on a tropical island when you've got 15 beautiful girls to share it with! The fun starts for Kazuma when Kotoko agrees to a playful photo shoot, and Saori shares the joys of bloomers with him. Later, the spoiled Espresso is taught a lesson when Kazuma punishes her with a mushroom, while China-san's scheming draws in Kazuma in more ways than one.
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