Tit Fuck Cheerleaders VS Milking Boobs Cheer Squad - 01
Ep. 1 - 10 years ago
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Episode 1 - 10 years ago
Description: Takayanagi-kun has infiltrated the squad at the bidding of his older sister, but even he isn't prepared for the Coach's new training regimen. In order to get her girls over their self-c...(Show description)Takayanagi-kun has infiltrated the squad at the bidding of his older sister, but even he isn't prepared for the Coach's new training regimen. In order to get her girls over their self-consciousness, she orders all of them to give Takayanagi a tit-fuck every day for the next month! Injured squad leader Chieri-chan also takes on this challenge, but Takayanagi's sister has a plan to take them down--a special medication that makes girls lactate like crazy and crave a man's cock. Takayanagi-kun is tasked with sneaking this potent drug into the cheer squad's drinks and taking compromising pictures of them to destroy the squad with scandal. His first target: Chieri-chan.
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