Where's the Final Fantasy XVI Hentai?
By Yung Namahage • 10 months ago

Yesterday marked the launch of one of the most anticipated PS5 titles to date. The latest Final Fantasy takes a sharp left turn off of RPG boulevard and into action street, and tonally it's strongly influenced by Game of Thrones. There's grim Bri'ish accents (with plenty of Northern and West Country voices), murder and political intrigue, as well as a healthy dose of sexposition. That's exposition during sex scenes, not a variety of sex positions.

All of this, as well as a bunch of the game's cast and hack-n-slashy combat mechanics, could be seen in the demo released recently. That includes a bunch of the game's waifus, and there are some good ones. That includes protagonist Clive's cute childhood friend, his ducchess MILF Annabella, and the powerful yet horny Benedikta, who serves as the demo's final boss. But up til now there's been a surprising lack of R34 based on them, especially considering all the hype leading up to its release. 

I know the game literally just came out, but plenty of games in the past have had mountains of R34 before release. Nier AutomataBioShock Infinite, and Resident Evil Village to name a few. FFXVI was announced 3 years ago, and so far there's only a handful of Benedikta hentai (and more featuring Clive) that I could find.

I don't doubt it's coming sooner or later, but the whole situation seems off. Is there something that's turning people off FFXVI? Could it be the grittier aesthetic that's a far cry from the series' usual anime art style? The timed PS5 exclusivity? The Bri'ish accents? Leave your theories below!