Turns Out You Can Watch Porn (Plus Hentai and Doujiins) on PS5
By Yung Namahage • 4 months ago

A while back, I wrote an article about how the PS5's lack of a web browser means it's not possible to watch porn on the console, like you could with the PS4 and PS3. I'm here to issue a correction: the PS5 does in fact have a hidden web browser, and you can indeed use it to watch porn if you like. Read on to find out how!

One of my favorite things about this time of year is Pornhub Insight's Year in Review, where they detail all kinds of interesting stats about how people have been using one of the world's most popular adult websites. There's a lot of info I'll probably cover in a later post, but for now I'd like to focus on this infographic:

There are a considerable amount of gamers using the PS5 to access Pornhub, even without a dedicated browser app. Apparently, the hidden web browser function isn't as secret as we initially thought. It used to be possible to open it by linking your console to your Twitter account, which opens a browser window so you can log into Twitter, and then using the search function to find a tweet that links out to another site you wanna get to, since you can't type into the address bar manually. But since Sony dropped Twitter integration after the world's richest manchild somehow made the site lamer than its ever been, opening the browser this way is no longer an option.

But hope isn't lost - there's actually a second, easier way to open the browser. All you need to do is send a URL to a friend via a direct message, e.g. someone you met playing Modern Warfare 2 on PS3 who hasn't signed in for years and probably switched to Xbox. Unfortunately, links to porn sites will get auto-flagged and deleted, and for some reason google.com doesn't show up as a URL. I'm not proud of it, but this is an instance where bing.com is the better choice, and from there you can search for whatever other site you have in mind.

The PS5 browser is very barebones, with even less functionality than the PS4's browser. There are no tabs, only one window, no option to view browsing history, and it only covers a portion of the screen with no option to go fullscreen. However, there is an option to pin the browser to the side of the screen while you play a game, which may be useful if you want to have a walkthrough or something on screen while you play. In my experience, Pornhub ironically refused to load when I tested it, but other sites thankfully worked, including:

That's right; you can read doujins to your heart's content from your PS5! The slideshows work alright, but the audio doesn't unfortunately. If what you need is audio and visual stimulation, then here's the site for you:

Unlike some other sites I tested, the videos on Hentai0 can run in fullscreen, but they only cover the browser window and not the entire screen. Other than that, it functions exactly as it should, in case you wanna check some hentai on your PS5.

Now that you know how to check out porn on PS5, will you try it out yourself? Let us know below!