Ecchi fans are eating well this season. I thought things were heating up enough with Hokkaido Girls Are Super Adorable, but this week I found an even more off-the-rails production currently airing. Gushing Over Magical Girls is a parody of the mahou shoujo genre where our MC is blackmailed into joining an evil organization to defeat her local town’s magic girls. However, after joining the side of evil she learns that she has some incredibly sadistic tendencies and doesn’t hesitate to have a little “fun” with her magical adversaries. It’s a complete spin on the genre and it wouldn’t be a total 180 without ramping up the nudity and lewd content.
I was pretty surprised to see completely bare chests here during transformation scenes. The anime never devolved (or evolved?) into a full-blown hentai or anything during episode one, but we did explore some whipping and tickling kinks. Lord knows my yuri-loving self was hard as a rock and ready to track down some hentai after surviving the antics of this first installment so I’d have to argue the ecchi did its job. I can only assume we’ll dive into more and more kinks with fresh personalities down the line, as it seems our evil MC will be teaming up with other nefarious members of the organization further down the road based on some of the teaser shots. Hopefully this ecchi can keep the kinks and scenarios fresh as we get deeper into the season. I certainly wouldn’t recommend picking this up for the plot alone at this point.
Wait, this isn't Sailor Moon!
I’m not sure if I’ve been sleeping on past ecchi or fans have been in a drought for the past few seasons, but it seems like there’s plenty of raunchy stuff to serve as warm-up material this go round. Normally I don’t watch ecchi when hentai exists, but this magical girl parody is speaking to my soul in terms of production style. I’ll probably be skimming through the other ecchi this season, however I intend to watch this one like a regular show until it gives me a reason not to. Have you heard of Gushing Over Magical Girls? Are you watching any of the ecchi this season? If not, has this parody piqued your interest? Gain powers, join an evil organization, and be corrupted by your newfound power in the comments below!