There's an Upcoming Naruto Live-Action?
By Yung Namahage • 5 months ago

Unlike Naruto himself, we weren't exactly quick enough to report on the announcement of a live-action adaptation of the series back when it was first revealed in 2015, long before I joined the Doujins family. Since then, word on the project has been fairly quiet until very recently.

Lionsgate announced their plan to bring Naruto to the big screen 8 years ago, produced by Marvel producer and former IDF soldier Avi Arad and directed by The Greatest Showman's Michael Gracey. A year later it, series creator Masashi Kishimoto was brought on to co-develop the series, but that's all we heard about the movie for a long time.

What brought people's attention to the upcoming adaptation recently, either for the first time in years or the first time in general, was the news that Tasha Huo is being brought on to write the movie. Huo is also writing the unreleased Red Sonja movie and Netflix's Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft anime, and also wrote The Witcher: Blood Origin miniseries that wasn't very well received. Hopefully the Naruto movie, or any of her other projects, don't suck as much.

I'll keep you guys updated on any further updates about the Naruto live-action. After the surprising success of One Piece, maybe we can get another good adaptation. Then again, One Piece was a series, and Naruto has way too much lore and characters to pack into a single movie, no matter how many sequels it tries to set up.

By the way, the above image isn't from any movie, but a Naruto stage play in Japan. Do you guys think a Naruto live-action movie has potential? Let us know below!