The Stellar Blade x Nier Automata Crossover is Real!
By Yung Namahage • 5 months ago

Sony recently held one of their State of Play showcases, giving us a look at upcoming games, newly announced titles and DLC for existing games. Early on in the stream it was confirmed that the surprisingly good platformer Astro Bot is getting a free update adding a bunch of new character-themed bots, including a Helldiver from Helldivers II and Stellar Blade's Eve.

That wasn't the only bit of Stellar Blade news Sony gave us. We also got word that the game's OST is now available to stream, as well as a look of the very elaborate photo mode Shift Up hace been working on for a while. To top it off, we finally got confirmation that the crossover we were all asking for is happening soon:

Not only is there a 2B costume for Eve complete with wig, YoRHa-mandated blindfold and pod, but it looks like Eve will be exploring the Amusement Park from Nier Automata. Whether any other characters will appear is anyone's guess for now, and we don't even have a release date yet, but it's great that Shift Up are giving fans what they wanted, particularly Yoko Taro.

Are you guys hyped for the Nier Automata DLC in Stellar Blade? What do you expect to see in it? Sound off in the comments!