The Most Fuckable Pasta, Answered Once and for All
By Yung Namahage • 1 year ago

One of the many wonders of the internet is if you have a question, someone somewhere will have an answer if you look hard enough. And it seems a lot of people stayed up at night wondering what the most fuckable type of pasta is, yet no definitive answers could be found. That is until one brave man stepped up and investigated the matter himself using the most reliable method: sticking his dick in it.

Porn star John Kilo put six types of pasta to the test: spaghetti, fettuccini, tortellini, ravioli, mac & cheese and lasagna. A Fleshlight case has been filled with each one, and he goes to town on each of them (using a condom to avoid any spaghetti-transmitted diseases) to determine which spaghussy is the most pleasurable, before ranking them all at the end. Here it is on YouTube, censored as you'd expect.

John's got plenty of experience fucking foods, previously doing similar videos on doughnuts, cake and fruit. If you're after the uncensored clips, check his OnlyFans. What? Guys use it too, you know.

Have you guys ever wondered about spaghussies? Will you be reaching for the Kraft next time you're home alone? Sound off in the comments!