Steam Foot Posing Simulator is a Pervert's Dream
By Yung Namahage • 10 months ago

A lot of people know Steam as an online marketplace for games, but Valve sells a lot more than just games on their platform than just games, like software for helping game devs and artists. What we have her today is kinda one of those that's been making waves lately, albeit one for a very, very niche type of artist.

HAELE 3D - Feet Poser  isn't an adventure game, despite what the Steam page may say. The user-defined tags include walking simulator and Soulslike, but it's none of those either. HAELE 3D - Feet Poser does exactly what it says on the tin. It lets you professionally pose 3D models of feet. To be honest, I've seen much weirder on Steam. 

Depending on the veriosn, you can customize the skin colour of the feet, the shape of the toes, the lighting and reflections, animations and backgrounds to your heart's content. Why? The official description bills it as a "foot anatomy reference tool". I'm no artist myself but from what I hear hands and feet can be pretty tricky to master, but let's be real, it ain't just artists they're aiming for. Going by the testimonials it has, the devs were obviously aiming for the fetishist demographic. After all, there are only so many feet pics and ways to pose feet in real life, but with this people can crank out their ideal feet content right down to the tiniest details. 

A free demo with limited has been out for a few weeks, followed by a paid Lite version that includes custom posing and more preset poses plus a Pro tier that has preset animations. The paid versions are in Early Access, with the developers hoping to collect user feedback and implement new features based on popular demand in the full release about a year from now. So if playing with disembodied feet is your thing, get yourself in the official Discord and let your voice be heard.

What do you make of HAELE 3D - Feet Poser? Would you dip your toes into the world of foot posing or run away as far as possible?