If you never were a big Naruto fan, this new animation for the 20th anniversary might change your mind. You may even ask for them to remake the whole series in this style.
Now with Naruto being done, without any real manga material being removed and just added fillers with mixed feelings from viewers, I don’t think Naruto will be getting a full remake. The series ended with the canon ending, and I don’t think the story is so good that it needs a remake. Hell, I think the ending still fucks up the whole meaning of the series, but this little anniversary animation, is a good reminder of all the wonderful scenes and moments this series gave us. I’m not even a huge Naruto fan, just someone who grew up with it, and even I can appreciate everything that was put into this.
Was this Naruto 20th anniversary animation lit? Did this make you nostalgic? Do you think Naruto needs a remake in this animation style? Tell us in the comments.