Mommy Domme Malenia and her Rotten Scarlet Pussy
By Yung Namahage • 2 years ago

Having beat and platinumed Elden Ring, I can say with confidence that the hardest and hottest boss in the entire game is a crippled redhead with her tits out. She may be easier on the eyes than any of her vile relatives, but Melania hits harder and faster than most FromSoft bosses to date. 

Malenia and her brother Miquella are the cursed twin offsping of gods Marika and Radagon. Miquella was doomed to stay a child forever, while Malenia was host to the scarlet rot. In fact, the whole reason Caelid is like that is because Malenia unleashed the rot in a desperation attack during a battle with her half-brother Radahn. The Tarnished finds Malenia at the base of Miquella's Haligtree, a secretive region created by the eternally youthful demigod to gestate himself into adulthood. Malenia guards the tree in preparation for the return of her missing brother, who hasn't been seen for an untold amount of time. 

Even with a prosthetic arm and leg she's still more than a match for any challenger as the Blade of Miquella, dashing across the arena at breakneck speed with her arm's built-in katana and stealing health with every hit. But the real battle starts when you get through her first phase and she sheds her golden valkyrie armor to reveal her true form as the Goddess of Rot, bombarding you with the same rot powers that punked the general of Redmane Castle. Even if you survive her opening flower-spawning divebomb you have to deal with the same combos as before with added rot effects. Getting gud against her takes hours and isn't even necessary to finish the game's main story, but it's worth it to say you've beaten the toughest boss in all of Elden Ring. It's also one of the steps you have to take to rid yourself of the Frenzied Flame if you don't want to lock yourself into the Three Fingers' ending. 

While she's probably the sexiest boss in Elden Ring, it probably won't be a wise idea to hit knowing she's the source of an immensely deadly and corruptive disease. That hasn't stopped untold amounts of Tarnished from getting fucked by her, or wanting to fuck her.

Have you faced Malenia yet? How have you fared against her? Would you risk getting scarlet rot for that smokin' valkyrie pussy? Let us know below!