Man, I’ve never even played Mass Effect, hell, I only watched a little bit of someone else's playthrough of the first game. But even with that little knowledge of Mass Effect, I couldn’t escape the space beauty herself, Miranda.
Now don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of hot waifus in the deep space universe of Mass Effect, but she's just one that always sticks out to me. Mass Effect may have a lot of sexy alien ladies like Liara and Tali, but if you’re looking for the hottest space human in Mass Effect, I’m sure most would give that award to Miranda.
Jack is pretty hot too.
So if you’ve not seen yourself some good Miranda porn, check out some of her videos here on Hentai0. It also wouldn’t hurt to check out the other Mass Effect porn we got on here as well.
What do you think of Miranda? Do you think the alien characters are hotter than Miranda? Do you think Miranda is the hottest human female character in Mass Effect? Tell us in the comments.