Kitty Media Tease Another Hentai English Dub
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago

One of Kitty Media's voice actresses, Yara, teased being excited about a certain hentai English dub finally getting announced with their next batch of hentai releases.

Two years since this dub has been in the works, and it’s about to finally be shown to the public. With her excitement, I’m completely wondering what it could be. I would expect to be something either near and dear to her heart, or a popular hentai series that most can recognize. I know some people in the comments gave their speculations.

With her not giving the comments a like, that could mean that they didn’t guess correctly, or, that could also mean that they were right on the money. Getting an English dub of Energy Kyouka!! Would be super cool, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m just hoping for a pretty recent and visually pleasing hentai to be the next English dub to drop. So fingers crossed.

My face if Energy Kyouka!! get a English dub.

What do you think the next English dub hentai will be? Are you excited for the reveal? Do you hope it will be a more recent hentai? Tell us in the comments.