Kisaku Reiwa With More Rape Than Ever
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago

Anime isn’t the only thing getting remakes and revivals of old classics this year. Hentai is also trying to profit off of bringing old titles back to life, which is ironic when you look at the hentai we’re talking about today. Do any of you remember Kisaku, the series about a man dying and being pretty much revived into another man's body. Yeah, that series is coming back, with more rape and blackmail sex that the series is known for.

Kisaku Reiwa is just more of the same Kisaku that we know and love. A lot of things that are revivals of series, try to tone down on some stuff to follow the new and strict standards that we follow today. Luckily, it don’t seem like hentai got the memo, and the rape in this series is just as “consensuall” as it was in the old series. I guess this old disgusting pervert never learns. Don’t worry, the people on Twitter are going to cancel him soon.

So, for all you rapist lovers and degenerates. I hope you guys are excited to see an old classic come back and get you hard once again.

Are you happy to see more Kisaku? Are you going to watch Kisaku Reiwa? Did you watch the old Kisaku? Tell us in the comments.