Katawa Shoujo Finally Gets Modern Rerelease
By Yung Namahage • 2 months ago

Despite 12 years passing since its original release, progressive visual novel Katawa Shoujo is finally coming to modern platforms!

Katawa Shoujo was developed by Four Leaf Studios, an international group of 4chan users that gathered together to work on the project over the course of 5 years. What sets it apart from other visual novels is almost the entire cast has some kind of disability, including the progatonist having a heart condition and each of the 5 romanceable waifus having a different condition or deformity. Its actually handled pretty tactfully, in a way most 4chan users today would probably call woke or whatever.

Still, Katawa Shoujo's unique premise for a visual novel garnered it a cult following, however until now it's only been available to downlaod through either BitTorrent or the game's official site. That's set to change very soon, as it's finally coming to Steam and Itch.io on August 15. If you need an excuse to play through it again or check it out for the first time, there it is.

Do you have any memories of playing Katawa Shoujo when it was released? Will you play it this time around? Let us know below!