These days I turn almost every video on YouTube onto 1.5x speed (or higher) if it's a video where I'm mostly there to hear an impression or focus on the audio. Once you get a taste of having information be delivered faster while saving you time it's hard to go back. Sure it may not work for a complicated lesson, but for hearing about the latest anime news it's no issue. That said, I had a rule for a long time about not ever using that feature on "real" media I consumed like TV shows and anime. Anime especially since episodes were already pretty short by comparison. All that changed when I got a big boy job though. Now every minute in the day is precious when it comes to relaxation and... some of these boys don't deserve a regular full-attention viewing experience anyway.
Look no further for exhibit A than Tower of God's horrendous second season. I don't want to quit watching it entirely since I loved the first season a ton, and frankly it's interesting to see just how terribly low this adaptation can fall. We lost the artstyle, pacing, writing, and OST quality in the transition from one season to another. I haven't witnessed a fall-off this hard since The Promised Neverland Season 2. Should I drop it? Fuck yeah, but I refuse. And thus the magical 2x speed button appeared before me with its great power and temptation. You best believe I milked that baby for all it was worth too. I would rather just work overtime than sit there watching that abomination of entertainment for twenty minutes each week... but speeding through it while reading the subtitles to stay informed of what's happening is a low commitment option I can subscribe to. There’s still a part of me that loves appreciating media and it screams to turn that shit back on normal speed and suffer… but it gets quieter everytime I see a “fight scene” in a bad anime that hurts the show more than it helps with lame animation.
Yeah, I'm angry about it too bub.
Interestingly enough, I would never turn on speedwatching for hentai content. The whole point there is to get somewhat immersed. And even though I really SHOULD turn it on for damn 3 hour plus JAV videos, I’ll just stick to skipping around the long ass runtime. On second thought I suppose it wouldn’t matter anyway. An hour and a half of lewd content is still way more than I ever need. Do you utilize speedwatching? What types of content do you use it for? Is it a tempting feature? Dive into an anime, figure out halfway through it’s shit, and escape from it faster in the comments below!