Blue Archive Staff's New Game Canceled Weeks After Reveal
By Yung Namahage • 1 month ago

We already know the gacha game... game is tough, and many new contenders don't seem to last long against the big dogs that have been around for years. Unfortunately, Project KV is one such new contender that didn't even make it to the beta testing stage even with gacha veterans behind it.

In case this is your first (and possibly last) time hearing about it, Project KV was announced just a few weeks ago, as the debut project of newly formed South Korean studio Dynamis One, which was made up of staff that formerly worked for Nexon as part of the team behind Blue Archive. It was described as a “nostalgic school action drama” featuring a cast of cute girls with swords set in a City of Dormitories. People noted it had some similarities with Blue Archive, not just in the general cute girl gacha game way (because there are hundreds of such games), but in terms of the art style, especially with the halos above characters' heads. Here's a remaining upload of the reveal trailer:

Note how I said remaining, because Dynamis One deleted the official video and scrubbed all mentions of the game from their Twitter. They did however post a statement regarding it, which said:

"Controversy and issues regarding Project KV
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

In the midst of worries and concerns that arose because many things were immature, we had a lot of trouble deciding what decision to make.

We hope that our behavior will not cause you any more pain and discomfort.
We have decided to discontinue Project KV.

We apologize for causing concern to fans who supported Project KV.
We also apologize for causing inconvenience to fans of another game that is in service.

Project KV has been discontinued and related materials will be deleted and taken down.
We will show you an improved version in the future.

Dynamis One Dream."

While it is pretty vague, it's obvious that the "other game" they reference is of course Blue Archive, the developers' former title. While the reason behind the cancellation is still just hearsay for now, word is that it had something to do with all the similarities to Blue Archive, and there may have been bad blood between Dynamis One and Nexon. Maybe we'll find out for sure in the future, but for now it looks like Dynamis One have their workd cut out from them if they want to evolve Project KV into something that can stand on its own 2 legs without drawing comparison to one of the most well-known gachas out there. Still, even if they game was never meant to be, at least we got R34 of it.

What do you guys think? Did Project KV look like a Blue Archive ripoff to you? Sound off in the comments!